What if the individual collecting the samples affects DNA
metabarcoding results? What is the extent of technical variability in
DNA metabarcoding experiments? To further illustrate how one can use
to manipulate DNA metabarcoding data, we will
address these questions with a new dataset, available in the
companion data repository:
The karst_euk
dataset is an object of class
. The data were obtained from an environmental
DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding experiment aiming to assess the turnover of
soil eukaryotes in karsts ecosystems, often referred to as “terrestrial
islands”. In these ecosystems, dispersal is strongly limited by the
unique topology of the area, and genetic/ecological drifts are expected
to be important processes locally.
Sampling was conducted across several kast mountains in Laos, as
shown in the figure below. At each sample site, two composite soil
samples were taken by two different samplers, one by Jean and one by
Yvette. These composite samples are a mix of soil cores collected along
a transect, as indicated in the figure. Each of these composite soils
was then subjected to DNA extraction in duplicate, using an
extracellular DNA extraction protocol (Taberlet
et al. 2018). On each DNA extract, the v7 region of the 18S rRNA
gene was then amplified by PCR in duplicates following previously
described protocols (Zinger et al. 2019),
using the Euka02 primer pair (Taberlet et al.
2018), and sequenced on an HiSeq Illumina platform with the
paired-end technology. The retrieved data were then processed using the
OBITools (Boyer et al. 2016) package,
including denoising using the obiclean
command. Each entry
in this table is the equivalent of an ASV (amplicon sequence variant) or
the representative sequence of a MOTU.
Given this setup, one expects strong differences in community composition across sites, caused by dispersal limitation, and - hopefully - minimal technical variation caused either by the extraction, PCR, and sampler.
The dataset can be imported in R
as follows
dir <- tempdir()
url <- ""
karst_euk_file <- "karst_euk.rds"
karst_euk_url = paste(url, karst_euk_file, sep="")
karst_euk_path <- file.path(dir, karst_euk_file)
download.file(karst_euk_url, karst_euk_path)
karst_euk <- readRDS(karst_euk_path)
One can then use metabaR
to display the summary
statistics of the karst_euk
#> $dataset_dimension
#> n_row n_col
#> reads 48 7870
#> motus 7870 23
#> pcrs 48 4
#> samples 12 5
#> $dataset_statistics
#> nb_reads nb_motus avg_reads sd_reads avg_motus sd_motus
#> pcrs 224627 7870 4679.729 1340.161 933.1667 312.2533
#> samples 224627 7870 4679.729 1340.161 933.1667 312.2533
The karst_euk
dataset consists of 48 PCR products
corresponding to 12 composite, biological samples in total. It does not
contain experimental negative or positive controls, which is why the
summary statistics are the same between pcrs and
#> [1] "sample_id" "extraction_id" "type" "control_type"
In karst_euk, the columns of the pcrs
table correspond
: a vector indicating the biological sample
origin of each pcr (e.g. the sample name), here a composite
sample collected by a given sampler."extraction_id"
: a vector indicating the extraction
origin of each pcr (duplicate extraction for each
: a vector containing only the value “sample”, as
no controls are included in this experiment."control_type"
: a vector containing only the value
, as no controls are included in this experiment.
#> [1] "Site" "avg_N" "avg_E" "avg_alt" "sampler"
The columns of the samples
correspond to: -
: the sampling site.
- "avg_N"
: the latitude (decimal degrees) averaged across
each sampling point of the same site.
- "avg_E"
: the longitude (decimal degrees), averaged as for
latitudes. - "avg_alt"
: the elevation (m.a.s.l.), averaged
as above.
- "sampler"
: the name of the sampler.
As the dataset contains neither negative / positive controls, nor
information on the pcr design (i.e. PCR plates and wells), several
functions of the metabaR
package cannot be used.
Nevertheless, metabaR
can still be used to handle this
multi-layer data for more basic visualisation purposes. For example, the
distribution of sequencing depth and number of MOTUs per samples can be
visualized as follows
# Compute the number of reads per pcr
karst_euk$pcrs$nb_reads <- rowSums(karst_euk$reads)
# Compute the number of motus per pcr
karst_euk$pcrs$nb_motus <- rowSums(karst_euk$reads>0)
# load ggplot2
# Plot the distribution of #reads
a <-
ggplot(karst_euk$pcrs, aes(x=nb_reads)) +
geom_histogram(color="grey", fill="white", bins=20) +
theme_bw() + expand_limits(x=0) +
theme(panel.grid = element_blank()) +
labs(x="# reads", y="# PCRs")
# Plot the distribution of #motus
b <-
ggplot(karst_euk$pcrs, aes(x=nb_motus)) +
geom_histogram(color="grey", fill="white", bins=20) +
theme_bw() +
theme(panel.grid = element_blank()) +
labs(x="# MOTUs", y="# PCRs")
# Combine plots into one
ggdraw() +
draw_plot(a, x=0, y=0, width = 0.5) +
draw_plot(b, x=0.5, y=0, width = 0.5)
These very basics plots already suggest that 3 pcrs have very low diversity. They appear to behave in the same way as negative controls, potentially amplifying only contaminants and few sample site derived sequences.
Let’s construct the rarefaction curves with the
function so as to obtain an estimate of
is low in the example below to limit the computing
#build rarefaction curves
karst_euk.raref <- hill_rarefaction(karst_euk, nboot = 20, nsteps = 10)
#draw by coloring the curves by sampler
# Define a vector containing the Material info for each pcrs
sampler <- karst_euk$samples$sampler[match(karst_euk$pcrs$sample_id,
# Use of gghill_rarefaction requires a vector with named pcrs
sampler <- setNames(sampler,rownames(karst_euk$pcrs))
# Plot
p <- gghill_rarefaction(karst_euk.raref, group=sampler)
p + scale_fill_manual(values = c("orange","chartreuse")) +
scale_color_manual(values = c("orange","chartreuse")) +
At a first glance, it seems that Jean’s samples are more diverse in abundant/intermediate sequences than Yvette’s ones.
This dataset does not include negative controls to enable the
detection of potential contaminants objectively. Still, we identified
above some pcrs with very low diversity that may correspond to
pcrs reactions where addition of DNA template somehow failed,
and where reagents contaminants were amplified. Let’s see if these have
a particular composition when compared with the other samples. This can
be done by hijacking the contaslayer
function as
# set low-diversity pcrs as controls of e.g. pcrs
karst_euk$pcrs$control_type[which(karst_euk$pcrs$nb_motus<100)] <- "pcr"
karst_euk$pcrs$type[which(karst_euk$pcrs$nb_motus<100)] <- "control"
# run contaslayer
karst_euk <- contaslayer(karst_euk,
control_types = "pcr",
output_col = "not_a_pcr_conta")
And then display some basic information on these potential contaminating sequences.
# print taxonomy of MOTUs most abundant in low-diversity samples
dt <- karst_euk$motus[!karst_euk$motus$not_a_pcr_conta,
"scientific_name", "sequence")]
dt$best_identity <- round(dt$best_identity)
colnames(dt) <- c("total # reads", "similarity to ref DB", "taxon name", "sequence")
kable(dt[order(dt[,1], decreasing = TRUE)[1:10],], row.names=T) %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options= c("striped", "hover", "condensed"),
font_size = 8, full_width = F)
total # reads | similarity to ref DB | taxon name | sequence | |
laos_18Seuka_00044 | 2752 | 1 | Sordariomycetes | ctcaaacttccatccgcttgagcggatagtccctctaagaagccagcgtactgccaaagcaatacgggctatttagcaggttaaggtctcgttcgttat |
laos_18Seuka_00076 | 1768 | 1 | Liliopsida | ctcaaacttccgtggcctaaacggccatagtccctctaagaagctagctgcggagggatggctccgcatagctagttagcaggctgaggtctcgttcgttaa |
laos_18Seuka_00048 | 738 | 1 | Pooideae | ctcaaacttccgtcgcctaaacggcgatagtccctctaagaagctagctgcggagggatggctccgcatagctagttagcaggctgaggtctcgttcgttaa |
laos_18Seuka_00390 | 437 | 1 | Euclea crispa subsp. linearis | ctcaaacttccgtggcctgaaaggccatagtccctctaagaagctagctgcggagggtcgcctccgcatagctagttagcaggctgaggtctcgttcgttaa |
laos_18Seuka_00379 | 400 | 1 | Brassicaceae | ctcaaacttccttggcctaaacggccatagtccctctaagaagccggccgtgaagggatgcctccacgtagctagttagcaggctgaggtctcgttcgttaa |
laos_18Seuka_00098 | 266 | 1 | Euplotida | ctcaaacttccttgtggttgcacacaaagtccctctaagaagtacataccggaaaaccggctgactatttagcaggctaaggtctcgttcgttaa |
laos_18Seuka_00366 | 248 | 1 | Basidiomycota | ctcaaacttccgtcagctaaacgctgacagtccctctaagaagccagcgaccagcaaaagccggccgggctatttagcaggttaaggtctcgttcgttat |
laos_18Seuka_00329 | 220 | 1 | Diplosoma gumavirens | ctcaaacttccattggctggaagccaatagtccctctaagaagccagccaccaaccatagtcgatggggctatttagcaggttaaggtctcgttcgttat |
laos_18Seuka_00866 | 176 | 1 | Fungi | ctcaaacttccttcggcttgagccgaaagtccctctaagaagccagcgtactgccaaagcaatacgggctatttagcaggttaaggtctcgttcgttat |
laos_18Seuka_01002 | 174 | 1 | Vorticella campanula | ctcaaacttccatgtgattacatcacatagtccctctaagaagtgattcaaatttgaaataagaacactagttagcaggttaaggtctcgttcgttaa |
From the taxonomy of these potential contaminant sequences, it is difficult to say whether these sequences are true contaminants. One way to further investigate this is to see how these sequences are distributed across pcrs.
tmp <- melt(karst_euk$reads[,!karst_euk$motus$not_a_pcr_conta])
ggplot(tmp, aes(x=Var2, y=Var1, size=ifelse(value==0, NA, value))) +
geom_point() + labs(size = "# reads") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=45, hjust = 1))
The most abundant contaminant identified in the table above is present in all samples and is, therefore, most likely a contaminant. In addition, other potential contaminant sequences are present in 7-8 successive samples, which are likely in the same column in the PCR plate. These features strongly suggest that these sequences are indeed artefactual and should be excluded from the dataset.
Non-target MOTUs cannot be detected in this particular dataset, because the taxonomic assignments have been made using a reference database that only contains eukaryotic sequences.
One can, however, still identify MOTUs whose sequence is too dissimilar from references, by plotting the distribution of MOTU similarity scores, weighted and unweighted by their relative abundance.
# Plot the unweighted distribution of MOTUs similarity scores
a <-
ggplot(karst_euk$motus, aes(x=best_identity)) +
geom_histogram(color="grey", fill="white", bins=20) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0.8, col="orange", lty=2) +
theme_bw() +
theme(panel.grid = element_blank()) +
labs(x="% similarity against best match", y="# MOTUs")
# Same for the weighted distribution
b <-
aes(x=best_identity, y = ..count.., weight = count)) +
geom_histogram(color="grey", fill="white", bins=20) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0.8, col="orange", lty=2) +
theme_bw() +
theme(panel.grid = element_blank()) +
labs(x="% similarity against best match", y="# Reads")
# Combine plots into one
ggdraw() +
draw_plot(a, x=0, y=0, width = 0.5) +
draw_plot(b, x=0.5, y=0, width = 0.5)
As in the soil_euk
dataset, we may consider any MOTU as
degraded sequences if its sequence similarity is < 80% against its
best match in the reference database.
# Flag not degraded (TRUE) vs. potentially degraded sequences (FALSE)
karst_euk$motus$not_degraded <-
ifelse(karst_euk$motus$best_identity < 0.8, F, T)
# Proportion of each of these over total number of MOTUs
table(karst_euk$motus$not_degraded) / nrow(karst_euk$motus)
#> 0.02210928 0.97789072
# Intersection with other flags
#> FALSE 0 40
#> TRUE 174 7656
In this case, no intersection is found between degraded MOTUs and potential contaminants.
Using the characteristics of the karst_euk
dataset, one
can assess the signal reproducibility at different levels:
- the DNA extract level
- the composite sample level
- the site level.
# DNA extraction
comp1 = pcr_within_between(karst_euk, replicates = karst_euk$pcrs$extraction_id)
a <-
check_pcr_thresh(comp1) +
scale_color_manual(labels = c("between DNA extracts", "within DNA extracts"),
values = c("coral2", "cyan3"))
# composite sample
comp2 = pcr_within_between(karst_euk, replicates = karst_euk$pcrs$sample_id)
b <-
check_pcr_thresh(comp2) +
scale_color_manual(labels = c("between samples", "within DNA samples"),
values = c("coral2", "cyan3"))
# sampler
karst_euk$pcrs$sampler_id <- karst_euk$samples$sampler[match(karst_euk$pcrs$sample_id,
comp3 = pcr_within_between(karst_euk, replicates = karst_euk$pcrs$sampler_id)
comp3$bar_dist <- rep(comp3$bar_dist, 2) # trick to plot a density from 1 value
c <-
check_pcr_thresh(comp3) +
scale_color_manual(labels = c("between samplers", "within DNA samplers"),
values = c("coral2", "cyan3"))
ggdraw() +
draw_plot(a, x=0, y=0.6, height = 0.3) +
draw_plot(b, x=0, y=0.3, height = 0.3) +
draw_plot(c, x=0, y=0, height = 0.3)
These plots suggest that the PCR and extraction reproducibility is high. By contrast, reproducibility per sampler is low, which suggests that the biological differences between samples are stronger than potential effects introduced by the sampler identity.
Let’s verify this with an ordination visualisation by hijacking the
# Distinguish between pcrs obtained from the different sample sites
mds = check_pcr_repl(karst_euk,
# display sites with different colors
groups = karst_euk$samples$Site[match(karst_euk$pcrs$sample_id,
# use funcpcr to differentiate samplers instead of good vs. failed pcrs.
funcpcr = karst_euk$pcrs$sampler_id == "Yvette")
mds +
labs(color = "Sites", shape="Sampler") +
scale_shape(labels=c("Jean", "Yvette"))
The variability across sites is hence far larger than between
samplers and technical replicates. But the sampler effect is not
negligible. One can observe, however, some PCR outliers (site D1-2
sampled by Jean, or site C sampled by Yvette) that can be flagged with
the function pcrslayer
. We invite readers to refer to the
metabaR” tutorial for further advices on the use of this
The above represents a succinct description of the data cleaning
process for the karst_euk
dataset. Note that not all steps
are shown here, and we refer the user to the “Let’s
metabaR” tutorial, based on the soil_euk
dataset for a
complete process of signal flagging and cleaning, including the last
steps of the process, i.e. removal of flagged MOTUs/pcrs and data